The Sky Is Not Falling

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

As The "Whole" World Turns

Time marches on . . . People grow up, grow old and hopefully their knowledge also grows . . . Child, Adult, mother, grandmother, and for those fortunate few, great-grandmother. Oh, for the ability to impart our knowledge to our children as the years go by. Or rather, the ability to know which knowledge to impart and which to allow to remain unspoken . . . For the wisdom to sift the experiences of ones life so that in verbalizing the correct things they will be helpful for the person receiving. . . To remain silent when we know that life is the best teacher and that advise is not always welcome or even desirable. . .

"Lord give me the wisdom to love without judging, to share without hurting, to act without being destructful, just to be silently available when the situation requires no action". To silently love and be loved. . . To allow you to be the teacher and advisor."


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