The Sky Is Not Falling

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Sky Is Not Falling

A Look Inward . .

What really is our purpose here on this earth? God has given us two great mandates . . . The one that Christ gave us to go and spread the gospel and make disciples and teach them what Christ taught us . . . But we forget the first . . . Given to the human race in Genesis as God's initial instructions to the human race . . . the Cultural mandate. . . to take all the potential the world and its inhabitants have and bring them to the glory of God . . .

Many of us have the excuse that we are too busy just surviving to affect our world around us . . . But the truth is that most of us have accomplished that survival and have fulfilled Mazlo's theory long, long ago. In all spheres of our life we are to bring God's principles to play but we have allowed Christ to be pushed out of our society and are being led primarily by unbelievers.

We must first cultivate our own personal lives with the Word of God so that we can go out and live and teach others so that they can live and teach others, etc, etc.

We allow the prosperity we enjoy to crowd out the cause of that prosperity in our lives, our relationship with the Lord. . . We must remember that we may well be the only Bible many non-Christians ever get to see. . .

Abide in faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love . . God forward and teach . . .


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