The Sky Is Not Falling

Friday, November 03, 2006

Not Only Is the World Big, It is Also Beautiful

Amid the beauty of the Lord's creation also stands the poverty that is brought about by man . . .
It is almost impossible to totally experience the beauty in the world . . We try, and fail, and try again . . searching for what we are really all about . . . The granduer of the sky, the ocean, the trees and all of the things that man has created . . . Many are admirable and good . . . . We strive to be happy and to bring happiness to others that we surround ourselves with and occasionaly we share some of what we have with others who are not so fortunate.

In striving to reach the lifestyle that we desire to be happy we realize that only in our success can we have enough to learn to share with others who are not so fortunate . . . so we give . . . And hopefully in giving we also help others to create for themselves, for that is the only way we as human beings become useful . . Some need more help than others but in the final analysis, only their resourcefulness will create a life that will bring them if not happiness, at least survival . . . Why do we give for their survival? So that they may come to know the Lord . . . after all, that is the most important thing for their souls . . . As Christians we believe this . . . Perhaps the Lord has made a different way to Him for those who have not heard but that does not excuse us for not sharing and giving to those who are able to bring the gospel to others all around the world. . . Do we leave them alone in their ignorance? I do not think so. . .

To me much has been given and much is expected . . . therefore I strive to give much back . . .


  • At 7:25 PM, Blogger Crazy about Corvettes said…

    You said everything I feel but could not put into words. Do we not help where needed at the risk of infecting the foreign population with our Western ways? No, as Christians we must help and give and give everything we can....our money, our time, our resources, our knowledge and our faith.


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