The Sky Is Not Falling

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Are We Here

In analyzing the question, "Why am I here". . . It brings up many happy and sad thoughts. Why was I born in a place where life is easy and rewarding and others are just struggling to survive?
Our Lord tells us that to those who are given much, much is demanded of them . . . Am I doing enough to balance the scales? Do I need to do so?

It is easy to sit back and count the good deeds and justify the not so good ones. . . . So many years of struggle and so many failures and so many successes . . . A wonderful family, children who mostly love the Lord and who are living out their lives in a productive way . . . then why am I asking these questions?


  • At 10:01 PM, Blogger Crazy about Corvettes said…

    You once told me that one person can make a difference in the world. You are a perfect example of that. Your love, understanding and friendship have changed my life. Thank you.


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