The Sky Is Not Falling

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Why Is The World So Big

Bouncing around on the ocean allows you to imagine what the world could be if we all worked together for the benefit of each other. . . . It is so big! . . . And filled with so much good . . . and evil . . .

How do we separate the good from the evil without the strife that we are continually involved in? . . . Only God knows . . .

My search is being conducted in the pages of His Word . . . The more I read the more questions I have . . . Why does man contantly strive to reach God and yet there are so many ways for him to try . . . Why was the mission given to His church to "Go and make disciples of all nations" . . Was it because He knew how very depraved man could become on his own with his own ways . . Not just toward each other but also his own ways of reaching God. . . God tells us in "His Word" what to do and how to do it and yet so many nations and people believe in different Gods and different writings . . . Is it the enemy of God who constantly stirs man's soul away from the One True God . . . It must be! . . . Only through faith can we have the strength and courage to do His will. . . . Wherever He has placed us. . . .

Continue in faith. . . . Live it . . . Love it . .. Pass it on. . . . .


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